Unpaid Care Work

The term "unpaid care work" in this report refers to tasks carried out by women in the home, such as housework, cooking, and caring for children, old people and sick people where the person doing this work is not paid. The term includes work done for the family as well as what is sometimes called ‘volunteer’ work, where individuals assist other households or the community more generally.  Many other terms have been used for what we call ‘unpaid care work’’ and these terms, as feminist economist Diane Elson explains, often lead to confusion.

There have been done many studies and researches about various issues, economical, social and political that have and are affecting the Albanian society mainly after 90. Since the beginning of the post 90 period, women were affected from a lot of difficulties, some of them found themselves out of work, some of them found themselves head of households with husbands and sons migrating abroad, some of them found themselves not so free any more because of the returning of some old patterns that have been increasing during these years, etc. The transition years launched a gradual change in Albanian women’s and men’s traditional roles.

In this section you will find comments on this project and suggestions about new initiatives.

Don’t hesitate to send your comments and inform us regarding new initiatives about this issue. Contact us at:

In this section we try to give a brief overview of the economic engagement of women based on focus group discussions but also on LSMS data and other statistical sources

Supported by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) under the auspices of its sub-regional Programme “Gender-Responsive Budgeting in South East Europe: Advancing Gender Equality and Democratic Governance through Increased Transparency and Accountability” . The Programme is implemented with funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation and Cooperation with Eastern Europe, and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of UNIFEM, the United Nations or any of its affiliated organizations.

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